Icarus was not failing as he fell but just coming to the end of his triumph

Icarus, is the son of Daedalus, who was a master craftsman, stands out as a prominent figure in the Greek mythology, His story is intertwined with the legendary Labyrinth of King Minos in Crete, a structure renowned for its complexity and its association with the Minotaur—a mythical creature with a human body and a bull's head, born from the union of Pasiphae, the wife of King Minos, and a magnificent bull.
Daedalus, mentored his nephew, imparting his profound knowledge of mechanical arts. As the nephew's skills flourished, Daedalus, consumed by envy, was driven to an act of desperation. Mythology recounts that, in a fit of jealousy, he attempted to murder his nephew by pushing him off the pinnacle of the Acropolis in Athens. In a divine turn of events, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, intervened, sparing the young man's life by transforming him into a partridge.
This vile act precipitated Daedalus' downfall, leading to his trial and conviction for attempted murder. Consequently, Daedalus was compelled to flee Athens, seeking asylum on the island of Crete under the aegis of King Minos. His magnum opus was the creation of the enigmatic Labyrinth, a marvel of architectural complexity, designed with its serpentine and unpredictable pathways, symbolized not just a prison for the Minotaur but also served as a testament to the power and control wielded by King Minos.
In the shadowy aftermath of the labyrinth's completion, a dark decree was issued by King Minos. The labyrinth's architect, Daedalus, and his son Icarus were to be imprisoned in a towering, desolate tower, a move designed to keep the existence of the Minotaur in secrecy.
Yet, within the confines of their cell, Daedalus' mind, ever restless and ingenious, came up with a plan of daring escape — not by land or sea, but through the wide sky. With his brilliance born of desperation, Daedalus crafted wings, magnificent and fragile, from the feathers of birds, binding them with wax in a delicate, treacherous balance. When the day of their planned flight dawned, Daedalus imparted a solemn warning to Icarus: "Do not ascend too high, for the scorching caress of the sun could liquefy the wax; neither should you descend too low, as the sea's mist may burden your wings."
Letting go of their tower prison, the duo tasted freedom as the flew into the sky. Icarus, carried away by the excitement of flying and blinded by arrogance, flew recklessly towards the sky. He went higher and higher, getting dangerously close to the blazing sun, until, in a terrifying moment, the wax on his wings gave in to the intense heat. His wings fell apart, and with a heartbreaking cry, Icarus fell into the turbulent depths of the sea.
Daedalus, his heart fractured by a grief as vast as the skies he dared to defy, could only witness in utter despair. In a somber homage to his departed son, he named the waters where Icarus met his tragic end the Icarian Sea, and the adjacent island Ikaria—a poignant testament to the perilous toll of ambition and the delicate nature of human pursuits.
There's a profound celebration of Icarus that extends beyond the inevitable descent. It prompts reflection on the beauty and courage encapsulated in the flight before the fall, he came to the end of his triumph as he fell.